Wednesday 11 January 2012

Hola Amigos,
Visited TAJ MAHAL yesterday with my college friends on a fun filled, full throttle trip that was a huge success.
It was organised specially for the first year engineering grads but, the response was a bit unexpected, although  many 3rd year students turned up. We were almost fifty in a group with many amigas. It was my first trip with college friends. We got a very nice feedback, especially for the food arrangements that included Mcds burger, brownie, patties, paneer kulcha, sandwich and colddrinks.
Fun events

Disco clicks
and at last but not the least the moments i shared with Shreyaansh Srivastava and Himanshu Magoo, really unforgettable.
I will always cherish these moments.
Thank u all...:)

Tuesday 3 January 2012

A Tribute To Respected Shri Shri Kapil Sibal Ji

A tribute to the upholder of communal harmony and decency in the Indian society, respected Shri Shri Kapil Sibal Ji.

Yikes! I am sick and tired of the continuous tirade against Shri Kapil Sibal Ji.
Please stop calling him idiot, stupid, moron, senile, loony, etc. Why are all of you 
hell bent on flushing away our culture and civilization, tehzeeb and tameez
down the chronically clogged drains?
(Picture courtesy The Telegraph)
Sibal Ji is an elderly person. We should respect and 
obey him as an elder, however idiot, stupid, moron, 
senile, loony, ignorant, fool, sycophant, or regressive 
he might be.

On the other hand, internet activities of Indians below 
the age of 60 years need to be supervised and monitored. 
Sibal Ji was right in asking the representatives of
Microsoft, Google and Facebook to prescreen content
originating in India, which might insult or offend other 
Indians. These companies are now acting like irresponsible arbiters.
It makes me mad to think why these companies have
made empires for themselves in our country when they 
cannot comply with our traditions.

What freedom of speech are these companies and the 
internet abusers talking about? It is totally an 
un-Indian concept. In our culture, it is despicable to 
open our mouths in front of our elders. The head of the 
family makes decisions for everyone, not just for the underage children, but for 
everyone  including the wife, adult children, married sons, daughters-in-law, 
and grand children.

In our own ingenious way, the responsibility to monitor the internet activities of 
members of each family should be given to the head of that family. These 60+ cyber 
police—however idiot, moron, senile, ignorant, fool, or regressive they might be—
should have the carte blanche to approve the content uploaded by the younger 

Youngsters these days have gone berserk, posting degrading, demeaning, vulgar, 
obscene, and abusive content on Facebook by which "any normal human being 
would be offended,” borrowing heavily from Sibal Ji.

We should strictly, “Ignore them.”

I know offensive pictures and links often appear on my newsfeed."

At this point I remember someone scolded me for making such friends, for engaging
in lengthy conversations with trolls, and for visiting offensive websites. “On the
internet, there is trash and there is class. You have to choose what you want to see 
or read.

His argument provided me with a great idea. If implemented, this extraordinary 
measure can solve Sibal Ji’s problems forever. His sensibilities will remain intact 
and people will stop calling him idiot, stupid, moron, senile, loony, etc.

The idea is—drum beats, please—the idea is to ask Microsoft, Google, Facebook, 
Twitter, etc. to block all access to respected Shri Kapil Sibal Ji and his cronies.

In case, the companies refuse to entertain this request, the only other option left 
for Sibal Ji and the UPA government would be to carry out their responsibilities 
sincerely and provide good governance so that the amount of accolades for them
outweighs the derogatory content.