Sunday 25 September 2011

Speech by Chetan Bhagat at Symbiosis--
Must Read !

Don't just have career or academic goals. Set goals to give you a balanced, successful life. I use d word balanced before successful. Balanced means ensuring your health, relationships, mental peace are all in good order. There is no point of getting a promotion on d day f ur breakup. There is no fun in driving a car if your back hurts.Shopping is not enjoyable if ur mind is full f tensions.

"Life is one f those races in nursery school where u hav to run wid a marble in a spoon kept in ur mouth. If d marble falls, there is no point coming first. Same is wid life where health nd relationships are like marbles. Your striving is only worth it if there is harmony in ur life".

Tuesday 6 September 2011

AWAAZ -  The Student's Society of Northern India Engineering College.
It completed two years of success in NIEC..started with dream of inspiring change in the college..It has been a great journey from Orientation day in August 2009 to Play on to Anugoonj prelims and a much better Fnord..Various issues has been raised in college including newsletter,College website and Student's sweatshirt..It has been great experience..
Would like to thank here all the institutional bodies of NIEC who always supported us and appreciate our work..Special thanks to our Faculty Coordinators Anshu mam and Amit Sir
And in d end Awaaz guys we just rock together..
Cheers to the working team of Awaaz who have contributed to reach here

Saurabh Jain
Vriti Sawhney
Ayush Jain
Abhishek Kumar
Shikhar Mehra
Sahil Arora
Heena Narula
Sarthak Saneja
Ankur Jain
Akshay Arora
Ashish Mallarh
Deewakar Jaluthria
Ekansh Hans
Gaurav Verma
Kshitiz Khanna
Mridul Pandey
Utkarsh Tyagi
Uravashi Jain
Yogesh Gupta
Himanshu Maggo
Alina Rizvi
Amir Khan
Apurva Sood
Shreyaansh Srivastava
Heena Goel
Neha Aggarwal
Shobhit Chawla
and all the members of Awaaz...

Format to file a RTI for Answersheets !

Its the most frequently asked question by student after SC gave judgment to see Answer-sheets under RTI how to File RTI for Same. In this note we are sharing complete format for filing RTI . This format is applicable for GGSIPU as well as OTHER Indian universities.

The Public Information Officer
GGSIP University
Subject : Seeking information under right to information act, 2005
The applicant seeks the following information from you:
As per the latest judgement of the Hon'ble Supereme Court in Central Board of Secondary Education & Anr. Vs. Aditya Bandopadhyay & Ors. dated 9-08-2011 the court has held that-
The definition of `information' in section 2(f) of the RTI Act refers to
any material in any form which includes records, documents, opinions,
papers among several other enumerated items. The term `record' is defined
in section 2(i) of the said Act as including any document, manuscript or file
among others. When a candidate participates in an examination and writes
his answers in an answer-book and submits it to the examining body for
evaluation and declaration of the result, the answer-book is a document or
record. When the answer-book is evaluated by an examiner appointed by the
examining body, the evaluated answer-book becomes a record containing
the `opinion' of the examiner. Therefore the evaluated answer-book is also
an `information' under the RTI Act.
The court further held that-
The examining bodies contend that the evaluated answer-books are
exempted from disclosure under section 8(1)(e) of the RTI Act, as they are
`information' held in its fiduciary relationship. They fairly conceded that
evaluated answer-books will not fall under any other exemptions in sub-
section (1) of section 8. Every examinee will have the right to access his
evaluated answer-books, by either inspecting them or take certified copies
In view of the above judgement i (Name) (Enroll No.) of (college name) wish to seek the the certified copies of my evaluated anshersheets for the exams conducted in (month/year).
Thank you
(complete address)
(contact number)