Tuesday 6 September 2011

Format to file a RTI for Answersheets !

Its the most frequently asked question by student after SC gave judgment to see Answer-sheets under RTI how to File RTI for Same. In this note we are sharing complete format for filing RTI . This format is applicable for GGSIPU as well as OTHER Indian universities.

The Public Information Officer
GGSIP University
Subject : Seeking information under right to information act, 2005
The applicant seeks the following information from you:
As per the latest judgement of the Hon'ble Supereme Court in Central Board of Secondary Education & Anr. Vs. Aditya Bandopadhyay & Ors. dated 9-08-2011 the court has held that-
The definition of `information' in section 2(f) of the RTI Act refers to
any material in any form which includes records, documents, opinions,
papers among several other enumerated items. The term `record' is defined
in section 2(i) of the said Act as including any document, manuscript or file
among others. When a candidate participates in an examination and writes
his answers in an answer-book and submits it to the examining body for
evaluation and declaration of the result, the answer-book is a document or
record. When the answer-book is evaluated by an examiner appointed by the
examining body, the evaluated answer-book becomes a record containing
the `opinion' of the examiner. Therefore the evaluated answer-book is also
an `information' under the RTI Act.
The court further held that-
The examining bodies contend that the evaluated answer-books are
exempted from disclosure under section 8(1)(e) of the RTI Act, as they are
`information' held in its fiduciary relationship. They fairly conceded that
evaluated answer-books will not fall under any other exemptions in sub-
section (1) of section 8. Every examinee will have the right to access his
evaluated answer-books, by either inspecting them or take certified copies
In view of the above judgement i (Name) (Enroll No.) of (college name) wish to seek the the certified copies of my evaluated anshersheets for the exams conducted in (month/year).
Thank you
(complete address)
(contact number)

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