Wednesday 28 December 2011

Facebook messenger for Windows 7

If most of you have always used Facebook only to connect with users on Chat or don’t want open it because of all the extra things on the timeline,  Windows Users have a choice now with Facebook Messenger is now available for Windows 7 which was being tested before.
However this seems to trimmed web version because if you signout from here, you will be signed out from the browser also. When first installed, it will connect this desktop app with your Facebook account and once you signed there, it will automatically log you in. Download from here.
Features, Along with Chat 
  • Notifications, Messages and Friend Request
  • Desktop Notifications.
  • Recent Updates from your Timeline i.e. Ticker
  • Updates are read only so if you wan to interact, you need to go to Facebook for doing it.
  • List of Friends which can be searched.
  • Tabbed Chat Windows which opens up in another small window but stays with the Messenger on the taskbar.
  • You can set it to right on your desktop like Chat on Facebook i.e. Dock to Side
  • Option to Turn of Chat Sounds
Facebook Messenger for Windows
What this app is not about is checking photographs or playing games and I hope it stays so because I like the core idea of messaging here and staying in touch with friends even not being on Facebook.  Also the features of Group Calling on Video is not available as of now but hopefully in future. However the app misses granular control which should be given to users, Turning of type of notification is one of them.
However some users like me face a common issue :
When using multiple Facebook account, even in incognito modes,  which shouldn’t effect other programs  as it is isolated but Facebook for windows grabs the session cookie and login as the last person logged in for me I was last logged in from my other account.

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